" Content is King: The Best Tools to Improve Your Writing | Hustle Free Tech

Content is King: The Best Tools to Improve Your Writing

If you want to write great content, one of the most important things you can do is find the right tools. In this article, we’ll be discussing some...

Content is King: The Best Tools to Improve Your Writing

If you want to write great content, one of the most important things you can do is find the right tools. In this article, we’ll be discussing some of the best tools that will help you improve your writing, maximize your productivity, and stay on top of the industry news that matters to you most. So without further ado, let’s get started!


Whether you're a native English speaker or just starting to learn the language, Grammarly is an invaluable tool for catching errors in your writing. I used to rely on Microsoft Word's spellchecker, but it would often miss things. Grammarly catches errors that Word misses, and it also offers suggestions for improving your writing. I highly recommend it!

Hemingway App

No matter what you’re writing, the Hemingway App can help you make it better. Just paste your text into the app and it will highlight areas that need improvement. For example, it will flag use of passive voice and complex phrases. It’s a great way to streamline your writing and make it more readable. After all, content is king!


This plugin is great for those who want to ensure their content is SEO-friendly. It analyzes your text and gives you feedback on things like keyword density, title length, and whether or not you've used proper headings. This can be helpful in making sure your content is optimized for search engines. There are also a variety of options available that will allow you to optimize the metadata and social sharing aspects of your post. You can also find instructions for how to choose the best WordPress theme which will make it easier for people with visual impairments to read your content as well as ensuring they have access to important images, video clips, graphs, charts, etc.


If you're worried about plagiarism, Copyscape is a great tool to check your work against the internet. Just enter your text into the Copyscape search bar, and it will show you any instances of plagiarism. You can also use Copyscape to check someone else's work before you cite it. It'll tell you how much of their content is original, so that you know what percentage to give them for an academic paper. Plagiarism detection isn't always 100% accurate, but as long as you go through your paper with a fine-tooth comb after using this tool, you should be in the clear.

Markdown Editors

In order to improve your writing, you need the best tools available. That's why we've put together a list of the best markdown editors for you. With these tools, you'll be able to take your writing to the next level.

 -CrazyTalkMark (Mac only) -a simplistic and user-friendly app that provides all the essential functions you need to get started with Markdown. -No review yet but it has high ratings on their website so it should be worth looking into! 

-Code Block Text Editor (free trial available) -code block allows users to write in HTML, CSS or JavaScript code inside a browser tab which can then be exported as an .html file or copied into any other text editor if desired. Ideal for blogging platforms like Wordpress.

Pick One That Works For You and Use It!

No matter what business you’re in, content is king. The better your content, the more likely you are to succeed. Though creating good content is hard. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best tools to help improve your writing. Which one works for you?


Author & Editor

Talha Rajput is an emerging content writer,he has done becholar's in computer science and trying to make his name in tech world via writing about it.


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