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Top Trending Technology 2022| Latest Technologies In Software Industry
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TikTok Shop Guide: Everything You Need to Know


TikTok is not just for fun videos anymore. Now, it’s a place where you can shop too! Welcome to the TikTok Shop guide, your easy and simple way to understand how to buy and sell on TikTok. Let’s dive in!

What is TikTok Shop?

TikTok Shop is a feature that lets people buy and sell products directly on the app. This means you can find cool stuff while watching your favorite videos and buy them right away without leaving TikTok. It's like shopping while you’re entertained!


How to Buy on TikTok Shop

1. Discover Products: 

When you're scrolling through TikTok, you might see videos showing different products. These videos have a special shopping tag or a shopping cart icon.

2. Tap the Icon: 

If you like the product, tap on the shopping tag or the icon. This will show you more details about the product, like its price and description.

3. Add to Cart: 

If you decide to buy it, just click "Add to Cart." You can continue shopping and add more items if you want.

4. Checkout: 

When you're ready to buy, go to your cart and click "Checkout." Enter your details like your address and payment method, and you're done!




How to Sell on TikTok Shop

1. Create a Seller Account: 

First, you need to sign up as a seller on TikTok. You can find this option in the app's settings or on TikTok’s website.


2. Set Up Your Shop: 

After signing up, you’ll need to set up your shop. This includes adding products, prices, and descriptions. Make sure to use good photos and write clear descriptions to attract buyers.


3. Make Engaging Videos: 

To sell your products, create fun and interesting videos. Show how to use your products and why they’re great. Use hashtags like #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt to reach more people.


4. Interact with Customers: 

Reply to comments and messages from people interested in your products. Good customer service can help you get more sales.


Tips for Success on TikTok Shop


Be Creative:

The more creative your videos are, the more likely people will watch and buy your products.

Use Trending Music and Hashtags: 

This helps your videos get seen by more people.

Collaborate with Influencers: 

Team up with popular TikTok users to promote your products.

Post Regularly: 

Keep posting new videos to keep your audience engaged and interested.

Why TikTok Shop is Popular


TikTok Shop is popular because it makes shopping fun and easy. You can discover new products from people you follow and trust. Plus, it combines entertainment and shopping in one place.



TikTok Shop is changing the way we shop online. It's simple, fun, and a great way to find new products. Whether you’re buying or selling, TikTok Shop offers something for everyone. So, start exploring TikTok Shop today and enjoy the new way of shopping!

Exploring Cloud-Based Networks: How they Works?


In today's digital world, many people use cloud-based networks to store and manage their projects. These networks are like online spaces where you can keep your work safe and easily share it with others. Let's learn about three popular cloud-based networks: GitHub, GitLab, and Heroku.

What is GitHub?

GitHub is like a big online notebook where you can store your code and projects. Imagine you're working on a project with your friends. Instead of meeting every day, you can each write your parts of the project and save them in this online notebook. Everyone can see the updates and add their work, making teamwork easier and faster.

Features of GitHub:


These are like folders where you keep your project files.


Think of these as snapshots of your project at different points in time.


These let you work on different parts of your project separately and then combine them.

What is GitLab?

GitLab is similar to GitHub. It helps you store and manage your projects online. But GitLab has some extra tools that make it easier to test and deploy (launch) your projects. It's like having a toolbox with everything you need to build, test, and launch a project all in one place.

Features of GitLab:


This stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. It means you can automatically test and launch your projects.

Merge Requests:

These are like proposals to add new features to your project. Your team can review and discuss them before adding them.

Issue Tracking:

You can keep track of tasks, bugs, and new features you want to add.

What is Heroku?

Heroku is a platform that helps you launch your web applications. Think of it as a place where you can show your projects to the world. If you make a website or an app, Heroku helps you put it online so anyone can visit and use it.

Features of Heroku:

Easy Deployment:

You can launch your app with just a few clicks.


These are extra tools and servicesextra tools and services you can add to your app, like databases or email services.


If your app gets popular, Heroku can handle more visitors without crashing.

What is Cloudflare?

Cloudflare is a service that helps make websites faster and safer. It sits between a visitor and your website, protecting it from attacks and speeding up the delivery of your content. Think of it as a security guard and a speed booster for your website.

Features of Cloudflare:

Content Delivery Network (CDN):

This speeds up your website by delivering content from servers closest to the visitor.

DDoS Protection:

Protects your website from large-scale attacks.


Encrypts the data between your website and visitors to keep it secure.

Web Analytics:

Provides insights into your website traffic and performance.

What is Amazon AWS?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a powerful cloud platform that provides many services to help you build and run applications. It's like having a giant toolbox with tools for computing, storage, databases, and more. AWS is used by companies all over the world because it can handle very large projects.

Features of AWS:

Compute Services:

These include servers where you can run your applications.

Storage Services:

You can store large amounts of data securely.

Database Services:

AWS provides managed databases so you don't have to worry about setting them up yourself.

Machine Learning:

AWS has tools for building AI applications.


Cloud-based networks are powerful tools for anyone who wants to store, manage, and launch projects online. Whether you're a student, a hobbyist, or a professional, platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Heroku can help you collaborate with others, keep your work safe, and share it with the world. So, start exploring these platforms and see how they can help you with your next big project!

Chatting Apps: Easy and Fun Ways to Stay in Touch


What are Chatting Apps?

Chatting apps are special programs you can use on your phone, tablet, or computer to talk to your friends and family. You can send messages, make voice and video calls, and share pictures and videos. Some popular chatting apps include WhatsApp, GB WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Telegram. These apps help you stay connected with people no matter where they are.

What is GB WhatsApp?

GB WhatsApp is a modified version of the regular WhatsApp app. It has extra features that make chatting even more fun and convenient. For example, you can change the look of the app, hide when you are online, and send bigger files. However, it’s important to note that GB WhatsApp is not available on official app stores like Google Play, so you have to download it from the internet.

Pros and Cons of GB WhatsApp


1. Customization: 

You can change colors, themes, and fonts to make the app look the way you like.

2. Privacy Options: 

You can hide your online status and the blue ticks that show when you have read a message.

3. Media Sharing: 

GB WhatsApp lets you send larger videos and more pictures at once compared to regular WhatsApp.

4. Multiple Accounts: 

You can use two WhatsApp accounts on the same phone with GB WhatsApp.


1. Security Risks: GB WhatsApp is not officially supported by WhatsApp, which means it may not have the same level of security and could be more vulnerable to hacks.

2. No Official Updates: 

Since it’s not available on official app stores, you won’t receive regular updates to fix bugs or improve security.

3. Potential Bans: 

Using GB WhatsApp can result in your WhatsApp account being temporarily or permanently banned by WhatsApp.

How Does GB WhatsApp Compare to Other Chatting Apps?

2. Facebook Messenger:


Bright and colorful interface, games, video calls, fun filters, widely trusted.


Can be more complex and overwhelming due to many features.

3. Telegram:


Strong security features, secret chats, supports very large group chats.


Less customization compared to GB WhatsApp, can be less user-friendly for some.

4. Signal:


Strong privacy and security features, open-source.


Simpler with fewer features, less popular which means fewer contacts using it.


Chatting apps like GB WhatsApp, regular WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and Signal help us stay connected in different ways. GB WhatsApp offers cool extra features that some people love, like more customization and privacy options. However, it’s important to be careful since it’s not officially supported and might not be as secure.

Choosing the best app depends on what you need. If you want an app that’s simple and secure, regular WhatsApp or Signal might be best. If you like customizing and extra features, GB WhatsApp could be fun to try. And if you enjoy sharing photos and videos or using lots of chat features, Facebook Messenger or Telegram could be perfect.

No matter which app you choose, they all make it easy to stay in touch with friends and family, no matter where they are. Happy chatting!

Social Apps: Connecting with Friends Made Easy


What are Social Apps?

Social apps are tools we use on our phones and computers to connect with friends, share pictures, and have fun conversations. Some popular social apps are WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and GB WhatsApp. These apps help us stay in touch with people no matter where they are in the world.

What is GB WhatsApp?

GB WhatsApp is a special version of the regular WhatsApp. It has extra features that many people find useful. For example, you can change how the app looks, hide your online status, and send bigger files. It’s not available on official app stores like Google Play, so you have to download it from the internet.

Why Do People Use GB WhatsApp?

1. Customization:

 You can change colors, themes, and fonts to make the app look the way you like.

2. Privacy Options:

 You can hide when you were last online and even hide the blue ticks that show when you have read a message.

3. Media Sharing: 

GB WhatsApp lets you send larger videos and audio and more pictures at once compared to regular WhatsApp.

4. Multiple Accounts: 

You can use two WhatsApp accounts on the same phone with GB WhatsApp.

How Does GB WhatsApp Compare to Other Social Apps?

1. WhatsApp:

   - Official Support:

Regular WhatsApp is officially supported and regularly updated. GB WhatsApp is not, so it might be less safe.


GB WhatsApp has more features, but regular WhatsApp is simpler and more secure.


You can download regular WhatsApp easily from app stores, but GB WhatsApp needs to be downloaded from the web.

2. Facebook Messenger:

  User Interface: 

Messenger has a bright and colorful look, while GB WhatsApp can be customized.


 Messenger has games, video calls, and fun filters. GB WhatsApp focuses more on messaging features.


Both have good privacy features, but Messenger is more widely known and trusted.

3. Instagram:

   Photo Sharing: 

Instagram is great for sharing photos and videos with friends and followers. GB WhatsApp is more about chatting.


 Instagram has Stories that let you share moments that disappear after 24 hours. GB WhatsApp doesn’t have this feature.

   Direct Messages: 

Instagram’s messaging is simple and integrated with its photo-sharing features, while GB WhatsApp is more about text messaging.


Social apps like GB WhatsApp, regular WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram help us stay connected in different ways. GB WhatsApp offers cool extra features that some people love, like more customization and privacy options. However, it’s important to be careful since it’s not officially supported.

Choosing the best app depends on what you need. If you want an app that’s simple and secure, regular WhatsApp or Messenger might be best. If you like customizing and extra features, GB WhatsApp could be fun to try. And if sharing photos and videos is your thing, Instagram is perfect.

Whatever you choose, these apps make it easy to stay in touch with friends and family, no matter where they are. Happy chatting!

Get Ahead of the Curve with Pluralsight

Get Ahead of the Curve with Pluralsight

When technology races forward, it’s easy to be left behind. Whether you’re an individual looking to improve your career prospects or a business trying to better compete in your industry, learning more about new technologies can go a long way toward achieving your goals. However, the amount of new information out there can be overwhelming; you could spend all day researching and still feel like you’re not learning enough. Instead of spending hours combing through search results, why not turn to Pluralsight?

Why should I use Pluralsight?

Pluralsight provides a variety of resources to help you gain new skills, collaborate with others, and prepare for your future. You'll find world-class experts from fields like coding, cybersecurity, data science, and more. You can start learning today by exploring courses that interest you on their site. Plus, they have an award-winning app so you can use your time wisely--whether at home or on the go!

Why did we choose them?

Pluralsight is a one-stop shop for all your work and life skill needs. Learn valuable skills that will help you get ahead, and to stay ahead. This platform caters to everyone's needs, whether it's learning about JavaScript or understanding nutrition for children, if you need to know how to do something then there's probably a course for it on pluralsight. 

With an ever-changing technological landscape, knowing up-to-date technology is more important than ever before. Companies like Google and Apple release new software updates every year, which means professionals have no choice but to quickly keep up with changes or risk being left behind in the age of AI and automation.

Pluralsight vs other course providers

Pluralsight is cheaper than other online course providers, but is on-par in terms of teaching quality. For startups, it's a great way to get ahead and make yourself more marketable without breaking the bank. Plus, you have unlimited access to courses for 30 days, so there's no time like the present! It's not about saving up cash for a future course--it's about starting your new career NOW.

Can I try it free?

Pluralsight offers a free trial for 10 days, during which you can explore their collection of courses, watch video lectures and start your own course today. It is designed to be easy-to-use, from browsing their content library to finding videos on demand. With mobile access and personal app subscriptions, you can keep up your skills on-the-go. 

Pluralsight has courses in web development, programming languages like Python and C++, software engineering topics like Data Science and DevOps and technology skills like Microsoft 365 Admin that cover a wide variety of career interests. Whether you're a developer looking to improve or just curious about what's out there for you - all it takes is one video lecture and you're ready to hit the ground running!

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰  TRY FREE TRIAL NOW  ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

How much does it cost?

The Standard membership costs $299.00 per year or $29.00 per month, while the Premium membership costs $499.00 per year or $45.00 per month. All memberships offer a 10 day free trial. For businesses, there is a $579 per user per year professional option.

What happens after my trial period ends?

Once your trial period has ended, you can either pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee to continue accessing courses or pay a single fee and own courses forever.it's as easy as possible for you to choose the option that's right for you, if you decide to unsubscribe from your account at any time in the future, they will provide a full refund on any course packs purchased but not downloaded. 

Paying for access means that your account information is saved indefinitely and you will be able to download your courses anytime from anywhere without any time limit restrictions. Keep in mind that there is no recurring payment: once you purchase access, it lasts forever and does not require a monthly or yearly payment.

How to Build High-Quality Guest Post Links to Boost Your SEO

How to Build High-Quality Guest Post Links to Boost Your SEO

If you are new to the world of search engine optimization, then you may have been told to build high-quality links in order to improve your website’s search engine ranking and overall authority. But what does that mean? And how do you go about doing it? Luckily, this guide will walk you through exactly how to build high-quality guest post links that will boost your site’s online presence and page rank over time. Follow these tips and start improving your search engine results today!

What is guest blogging?

Guest blogging is when you write a blog post for another website in exchange for a link back to your own website. This is a great way to build links and improve your SEO because it helps you get exposure on other websites and helps you build relationships with other bloggers. For example, let's say that I'm running an online clothing store and I need some new content, so I contact a blogger from another website who specializes in fashion. We decide that they will create the content for my site if I provide them with three of my products to use as samples. They'll write about the clothes, provide photos of them on models, etc., but include a link back to my site at the end of their post so that their readers can check out what else we offer.

Best practices for successful guest posting

1. To begin, find blogs to post as a guest blogger. Look for blogs that are relevant to your niche and have a good reputation.

2. Once you've found a few potential blogs, reach out to the owners and pitch them your ideas for guest posts.

3. If your pitch is accepted, write a high-quality, well-researched guest post that will add value to the blog's readers.

4. Be sure to include one or two links back to your website in your guest post.

5. After your guest post is published, promote it on social media and other channels.

6. Keep an eye on your link building efforts over time to make sure they're having the desired effect on your SEO.

Types of links you want in your posts

There are a few key things you should keep in mind when writing a guest post for link building: make sure the site is high quality, that your post is well-written and informative, and that you include a link back to your own site. In addition, try to get links from a variety of different sites instead of just one or two. In this way, your SEO will improve and your site traffic will increase.

Other ways to achieve higher search engine rankings

1. Publish high-quality content on your website. This is the most important factor in ranking high in search engines. Make sure your content is well-written and informative.

2. Optimize your website for the search engines. Use keywords throughout your site, including in the title, header, and meta tags.

3. Get other websites to link to your website. This is called link building. You will rank higher in search engine results if you have more links pointing to your site.4. It would be wise to submit your website to directory sites and search engines. This will help them find and index your site more quickly.

5. Promote your website through social media.

The Battle of the Content Writers: SEO Writing vs Copywriting

The Battle of the Content Writers: SEO Writing vs Copywriting

Many aspiring writers and content creators have the big question in their minds – should I become an SEO writer or a copywriter? Both jobs can be fun, but which one should you pick? There are plenty of good reasons to go into either field, so let’s take a look at some of the differences between them and help you figure out which one will best suit your needs and lifestyle.

What is SEO writing?

SEO writing is all about creating content that is optimized for search engines. This means using keywords throughout your content in order to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO writing can be a challenge, as you need to strike a balance between using keywords too much (which can make your content sound unnatural) and not enough (which will make it difficult for search engines to find your content).

What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting is a form of writing that is designed to persuade, influence, or sell. Unlike other forms of writing, such as journalism or academic writing, copywriting is all about persuasion. It's about using words to get people to take action, whether that's buying a product, signing up for a service, or taking some other kind of action.

Combining an SEO and a content writer

If you want to improve your website's ranking on search engines and also create compelling, readable content, you may be wondering if you need an SEO writer or a copywriter. The answer is: both! Here's a closer look at how these two types of writers can help your business succeed online. 

SEO writing includes writing keywords into meta tags, body text, and links so that Google knows what the page is about. They are focused on keyword density and repetition in order to increase rank. Meanwhile, a copywriter concentrates on providing readers with clear messages that resonate with their target audience so they can encourage engagement. A good SEO writer will write for humans first and then optimize for machines; 

while a good copywriter will write for machines first and then humans second. Together they're able to create web pages that are optimized for both machines AND people!


  • Talha RajputContent Writer/Tech Advisor