" Exploring Cloud-Based Networks: How they Works? | Hustle Free Tech

Exploring Cloud-Based Networks: How they Works?

In today's digital world, many people use cloud-based networks to store and manage their projects. These networks are like online spaces where you can keep your work safe and easily share it with others. Let's learn about three popular cloud-based networks: GitHub, GitLab, and Heroku.

What is GitHub?

GitHub is like a big online notebook where you can store your code and projects. Imagine you're working on a project with your friends. Instead of meeting every day, you can each write your parts of the project and save them in this online notebook. Everyone can see the updates and add their work, making teamwork easier and faster.

Features of GitHub:


These are like folders where you keep your project files.


Think of these as snapshots of your project at different points in time.


These let you work on different parts of your project separately and then combine them.

What is GitLab?

GitLab is similar to GitHub. It helps you store and manage your projects online. But GitLab has some extra tools that make it easier to test and deploy (launch) your projects. It's like having a toolbox with everything you need to build, test, and launch a project all in one place.

Features of GitLab:


This stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. It means you can automatically test and launch your projects.

Merge Requests:

These are like proposals to add new features to your project. Your team can review and discuss them before adding them.

Issue Tracking:

You can keep track of tasks, bugs, and new features you want to add.

What is Heroku?

Heroku is a platform that helps you launch your web applications. Think of it as a place where you can show your projects to the world. If you make a website or an app, Heroku helps you put it online so anyone can visit and use it.

Features of Heroku:

Easy Deployment:

You can launch your app with just a few clicks.


These are extra tools and servicesextra tools and services you can add to your app, like databases or email services.


If your app gets popular, Heroku can handle more visitors without crashing.

What is Cloudflare?

Cloudflare is a service that helps make websites faster and safer. It sits between a visitor and your website, protecting it from attacks and speeding up the delivery of your content. Think of it as a security guard and a speed booster for your website.

Features of Cloudflare:

Content Delivery Network (CDN):

This speeds up your website by delivering content from servers closest to the visitor.

DDoS Protection:

Protects your website from large-scale attacks.


Encrypts the data between your website and visitors to keep it secure.

Web Analytics:

Provides insights into your website traffic and performance.

What is Amazon AWS?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a powerful cloud platform that provides many services to help you build and run applications. It's like having a giant toolbox with tools for computing, storage, databases, and more. AWS is used by companies all over the world because it can handle very large projects.

Features of AWS:

Compute Services:

These include servers where you can run your applications.

Storage Services:

You can store large amounts of data securely.

Database Services:

AWS provides managed databases so you don't have to worry about setting them up yourself.

Machine Learning:

AWS has tools for building AI applications.


Cloud-based networks are powerful tools for anyone who wants to store, manage, and launch projects online. Whether you're a student, a hobbyist, or a professional, platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Heroku can help you collaborate with others, keep your work safe, and share it with the world. So, start exploring these platforms and see how they can help you with your next big project!


Author & Editor

Talha Rajput is an emerging content writer,he has done becholar's in computer science and trying to make his name in tech world via writing about it.


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