" Automation in the Workplace: The Pros and Cons of Industrial Robots | Hustle Free Tech

Automation in the Workplace: The Pros and Cons of Industrial Robots

Industrial robots have been steadily increasing in popularity in the workforce, with their use on the rise over the past few years. While industrial..

Automation in the Workplace: The Pros and Cons of Industrial Robots

Industrial robots have been steadily increasing in popularity in the workforce, with their use on the rise over the past few years. While industrial robots can be an extremely useful addition to your workforce, they aren’t always as productive as you might think and can come with some serious setbacks. Before making any purchase of one or more industrial robots, consider the pros and cons of industrial robot automation in your work environment to help you determine if this option is right for you.

How Do They Work?

Most industrial robots have three or more axes. This means they can move up/down, left/right, and forward/backward. Some can even rotate on a vertical axis. They are controlled by a computer program that tells them what movements to make and when to make them. 

The use of industrial robots is increasing because it is cheaper than hiring employees who would need salaries, benefits, healthcare, etc. For example: If a company hires one worker at $15 per hour for 40 hours per week for 50 weeks then the annual salary costs will be $27k with benefits totaling an additional $11k bringing total costs to $38k per year. If this company instead invests in one robot costing $150k then they would only pay its electricity cost of $6-10k per year (depending on electricity rates). That’s less than half the cost! 

On the other hand, there are many disadvantages associated with automation in the workplace.

What Do You Get?

When you purchase an industrial robot, you're getting a machine that is designed to work tirelessly on an assembly line. These robots are fast, efficient, and precise. They can work around the clock without tiring, and they don't require breaks or vacations. In addition, industrial robots are very versatile. They can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks, making them ideal for use in a wide range of industries.

What Is Their Payoff?

In many cases, industrial robots have helped companies increase production while reducing costs. For example, by automating tasks that are hazardous or difficult for humans to perform, such as working in extreme temperatures or lifting heavy objects. In addition, industrial robots can work tirelessly without breaks or needing to be paid overtime. As a result, companies can achieve significant cost savings by using industrial robots.

What Are the Consequences?

When robots are used in the workplace, there can be a number of consequences. First, jobs may be lost as machines take over tasks that humans have traditionally done. This could lead to unemployment and underemployment, as well as an overall decrease in wages. Second, robots may create health and safety risks for workers, both in terms of physical risks (e.g., injuries from being hit by a robot) and chemical risks (e.g., exposure to toxic chemicals used in manufacturing). Third, robots may lead to increased surveillance of workers by their employers. Fourth, robots may cause work environments to become more regimented and less flexible.

Will We Lose Jobs to Machines?

The rise of industrial robots has led to fears that humans will lose their jobs to machines. However, there is evidence that suggests that robots can actually create jobs. For example, when a company installs robots, they often need to hire more people to manage and maintain them. In addition, industrial robots can help businesses become more efficient and thus increase profits, which can lead to the creation of even more jobs. While there may be some short-term displacement of workers, in the long run, industrial robots are likely to create more jobs than they destroy.


Author & Editor

Talha Rajput is an emerging content writer,he has done becholar's in computer science and trying to make his name in tech world via writing about it.


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